Tonbridge Road 6/5/12
I led the worship and gave a childrens address today - my first of the latter.  i think the servicde went well, certainly a better feel than the Swanscombe seervice.  Not without challenges though.  At the last minute the organist told me she could not possibly do two of the songs, we came up with two replacements only for her to say she could not do one of those.  We negotiated and she learnt the new song and it went well. 
Learning points from today.

volume OK
attitude in pulpit OK
probably a good idea to have a plan B for songs just in case..    I think I dealt with it OK, didn't get stressed and John came up with a saving song for which I am very grateful.

I really enjoyed the childrens address.  Immediate feedback was encouraging, especially from another local preacher on trial who was in the congregation. - that means a lot.

My next service i intend to use as a mock trial service, I am hoping to have a trial service on 1/7 and if that is satisfactory I will then move to being on trial.


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