prayer of thanksgiving

Tomorrow will be my accreditation service as a local preacher.  Another milestone on what has been a fascinating journey so far.  Combine this with my "day job" as a Physiotherapist with injection and prescribing skills then I can have no complaints.  This prayer I wrote specifically for tomorrows service as I wanted to both reflect a thanksgiving from the local preachers elect (there are 5 of us) and for all in the congregation who are also called by God to minister in a variety of ways.

Father, we thank you.
We thank you for continuing to call forth people to act as Prophets, teachers and Preachers willing to speak out about the new world you have called into being.  A world based on values of righteousness, justice, humility and Holiness.

Father, we thank you that this is true, despite the deafening clamour we hear from those that would say otherwise.  When we can’t hear you for the noise, when we can’t see you for the fog of life, when we can’t feel you in the darkness pressing in on us.  Lord, so often, we can feel alone and bereft, but we know you are with us.

So thank you for calling light into darkness, for calling hope from hopelessness, for speaking truth into a world that so often follows a way of lies and deception.

Grant us Lord the courage to stand in the dark of the darkest caves, to stand in the tumult of a manic crowd, to stand amidst storms that threaten our survival and speak boldly words of light, words of life and words of love.

Lord, we ask this in Jesus’ name



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