On Repentance
Our theme today is one of Repentance. To repent of course, we need to have something to repent of, so my first question this morning is who here thinks that they have something to repent of. As show of hands should suffice – and I don’t need to know details! It’s always good I think to get a sense of unity in a church. On a more serious note though, of course we seek to repent because of sin. What is sin? It often sounds like an outdated world in today’s world of postmodern thinking where nothing is really right or wrong. Postmodernism is something that so many people hide behind, everyone is due their opinion, and no opinion is better than any others. The trouble with that is, is that if we follow the Bible, then God’s truth is the ultimate truth, in other words there really is a real truth, we are then as followers of Jesus duty bound to figure it out, sooner rather than later. The original Greek that was used for wha...