On Grace and Truth
imagine for a moment that the Church hired people to help clean up the grounds
and paid them the living wage, and then ended up paying those that had turned
up for an hour so the same as those who had been at it all day. If you had turned up at 9am and worked until
5 in the afternoon, would you feel OK about it?
I think the majority of us probably wouldn’t.
story from Matthews Gospel would have been clearly understood by the
audience. After all we are talking about
people who lived day to day on a subsistence level. They knew how much they ought to be paid, how
much they needed to be paid. Their
continued existence would have depended on it.
wasn’t talking to the equivalent of City Millionaires here, he was talking to
the working classes; even the Pharisees would not have been rich. Money in 1st Century Palestine was
like today, held by the few; i.e. the rich and powerful.
there is something decidedly wrong with this parable from our perspective. Nick Page one of my favourite authors has
this to say about Jesus’ parables. He
calls them “chocolate covered chilli peppers…..without the chocolate”. Not the cosy stories we are brought up with
then. And this one is no different.
fully understand it, we need to see how it is encompassed in the Gospel by two
verses. Ch. 19:30 “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last
with be first”, and Ch.20:16 “ So the last will be first, and the first will be
last”. Note the irony with which Jesus
turns those two phrases on their heads. The parable is designed to show what the
verses mean. We also need to see of course to whom this parable is aimed at.
before the story, Jesus answers a query from his own disciples who ask him “Who
then can be saved”. So Jesus at this
point is talking to his disciples; people who have given up a lot to follow
him. A feeling that is voiced by Peter,
who says, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” It is difficult not to hear the critical tone
in this question to Jesus. And this is
from one of his inner circle. Peter is
speaking on behalf of the others, who have obviously invested a lot in
following Jesus and are wondering perhaps if their investment is starting to
look a little dodgy. Don’t forget a
non-violent Messiah, who would sacrifice his own life for the sake of others
was not on the menu.
who is Jesus talking to? It would appear
that he is aiming this particular “chocolate covered chilli pepper…without the
chocolate” at his own disciples. They
had heard many before at others expense.
I wonder if they may have been a little unsettled when Jesus started
giving them one of his “parables”.
take a look at it. The kingdom of heaven
is like….not a place or an area but what someone does. i.e.
we live out the Kingdom. We see
the landowner going out early in the morning, he is active, he certainly isn’t
lazy, and he keeps going out all through the day looking for workers. In this image we are shown that God never
rests, he is always seeking and calling people to work in his vineyard.
then the landowner, God, gives those who have just turned up the same wages as
those who have been toiling all day!
Ouch. That just doesn’t look or
feel right does it. So what’s going on
here? Jesus obviously feels that in
light of the challenge raised by Peter, that he needs to lay down some basics
about the Kingdom of Heaven, and choosing an economic model, he makes it very
clear that in the Kingdom, things work very differently than the normal model
we are used to. It is a clear challenge
to those who feel they are owed anything because they have stuck around. Jesus is saying to them that is doesn’t work
like that. They/We have been called to
work in the vineyard. God’s wage (if you
can call it that) is fair to God. He
gives us salvation. You can’t give
more. Notice that the later workers do
not get more than the 1 denarius. In
fact they get “whatever is right” v4.
Jesus makes clear in v 15 God’s motives.
“Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my money? (for money
replace gifts) Or are you envious
because I am generous?”
then is the topsy-turvy world of economics in Heaven. Grace is undeserved. We can never earn it or be good enough by
what we do. Notice how the early workers are ungrateful – a word that reflects
a lacking of grace.
wonder how the disciples felt afterwards.
I am not too sure they really got the message because shortly after the
mother of James and John made a request for special status for “her boys”,
which caused a row amongst the twelve – stressy times – and Jesus has to take
the twelve aside and give them a talk about servant leadership. They finally twigged what he was talking
about at the last supper when he washed the city detritus off their feet.
Summary then, the rules of Grace run counter to the rules of
justification. It doesn’t matter how
hard we work, we can’t buy or earn salvation.
It is a gift. Of course, the outlandish
size of the gift has the effect on most of us of wanting to repay such love by
working even harder for the kingdom.
Even so, those who do, need to remind themselves that they won’t be
gaining preference or special status for their efforts.
the parable retains it impact today, still hotter than the average chilli
pepper. How often do we consider
ourselves saved because we are Christians.
Those troublesome non-Christians eh?
I mean we’ve got Jesus right?
Err Maybe not. Let’s not be too
work is to show the light of the world in the darkness. We are not to act like a self-satisfied
disciple, on the contrary, we are to be Jesus to everyone we meet. For the last will be first, and the first
will be last. As mature Christians we
should not look down on those new to the faith.
We are not more saved than they are in God’s eyes, for if it
wasn’t for Grace, we would all be lost.
what does Jesus mean when he said “the first shall be last and the last shall
be first”. He said it twice so it’s got
to be important. Well, when can the
first be last and the last be first? Perhaps
when there isn’t a first or a last. It
is when we are equal. Remember Paul
wrote, “So in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God through faith, for all
of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves in Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither
slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ
Jesus”. Again there is no hierarchy
here. No race is considered better than
other, no status in life, gender is not to be considered a source of power.
Yancey had this to say about the parable of the vineyard.
story makes no economic sense – and that was his intent. He was giving a parable about Grace, which cannot
be calculated like a day’s wages. Grace
is not about finishing last or first; it is about not counting……..if paid on
the basis of fairness, we would all end up in hell”
are all equal in God’s eyes, we are all equally in a desperate need of Grace
and God washes everyone, good or bad, Christian or non-Christian. If we accept the gift and choose to live with
him then we are saved. If we refuse to
accept the gift of salvation and reject God then we are on our own and without
God will perish. So choose well!
you think today that you have been nudged by God to enter the vineyard, then
there is not better day than today. We
will have people by the cross and in the foyer who will be happy to pray with
you after this message, so let us end in prayer before God.
we thank you for your outrageous gift of Grace without which we would all be in
you for the life and the example of your son Jesus, who lived a life that
reflected Grace at every turn, even when it caused him pain and distress.
come alongside us now with the Holy Spirit, convict us of our need for you,
show us that we are all equal in your eyes, show us that you do not have
us to come to your today to recommit our lives again to work in your vineyard
for the salvation of the world, for the resurrection of creation, for the
salvation of your children.
Jesus name
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