This morning I led the worship at Rainham Methodist Church..  

Learning points - the throat mike and my voice do not get on.  When i speak it sounds loud enough to me but the sound system appears to have difficulty picking up the frequency of my voice.  I intend to speak to Roger Barrett at GMC and do some practicing in the church with critical friends in the church to improve and solve this particular problem  Positive comments from one of my cohort on the Faith and worship course which is encouraging.  My mentor doesn't give immediate feedback.  The other comment that is made is the speed of my speaking voice.  I wonder if this is because I work in a fast paced environment, where most of my colleagues perceive me as a reflector and thoughtful and slower speaking.  It appears to be all in the perception.    Hopefully my practice will help that, i will also ask roger to provide me with a dvd copy with sound so that I can watch myself  as cringeworthy as that will be. i am sure it will be for the best.

The other point is that I need to pin down with people what each person is doing in the service ideally before Sunday.  The organisation was different today than last week at the Brent and I was caught out momentarily  I hope that my improvisation at leading worship and the offering prayers was deemed acceptable - we will see.

Next outing - Sutton at Hoe    25 March   This is the Sunday before Palm Sunday.  John is preaching so more practice for me at leading worship which i dread but should get better at the more I do.

See you later - alligator


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