wwjd 19/08/2011
Yesterday, I came to be at the epicentre of yet another altercation with the booking team at my workplace. These disputes fwith members off the booking team are commonly associated with demeaning and aggressive behaviour on their part. I found time today to spend time in the hospital chapel. I felt called to the chapel. When I arrived there I found plalms 95-96 were open on display in the bible. The psalms spoke of the requirement to worship a God who is above all things and speak of the absolute Glory and Power of God against whom no one can stand. This knowledge that this God is the Lord who fills me with the Holy Spirit and lives in me in the form of Jesus enables me to face conflict with a new courage and peace; one set in a foundation of a sure and certain awareness of God being at my side. "Not by might but by my Spirit"(Zech. 4:6) is laid on my soul. It is not our fight but the Lord's. It seems to me that the importance here is to maintain a close relationship with God. In fact this seems at the heart of the Gospels. We have to stay in close relationship with God in order to hear his voice, especially when in times of turmoil. His voice is not the voice of raging storms but the still small voice of calm. If I manage to continue to have faith in god that doesn't fail then the ourcome is assured.
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