When Brexit challenges a preachers ability to forgive - what next?
I have been a while since I shared my thinking in my preaching mode. In part that is because I have been placed on less preaching engagements recently, something that I have to say I am secretly relieved at due to my current postgraduate education studies and work commitments. There have also been some other significant changes in my personal circumstances. Those of you who have followed this blog before will know that about 3 years ago I suffered a period of severe depression. Well the good news is that I have come off my antidepressants. A side effect of this is that I am learning how to cope with emotions again that are stronger again since I have stopped taking the drugs. I have always wished that I could emulate the logical thinking of my role models Spock of Vulcan and Sherlock Holmes. Holmes of course had his own weakness to be found in an opium syringe and Spock was more emotional than he would ever let on. Learning to cope wit...