What do we mean by Harvest
What we you mean when you think of a harvest. What image forms in your mind. Today as we celebrate the annual Harvest Festival in the Christian Calendar, we have behind me a veritable selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, vines, hops etc. The reading today is taken though from Mark 9: 38-48 which on first glance doesn't have much to say about a Harvest. Or does it? Whenever we read the Gospels we need to take ourselves outside of our 21 st Century selves and try and put ourselves in the position of a 1 st Century Jewish person. That can be quite a task as I think you would agree. The other point we need to keep in mind is that the Gospel writers didn’t tell their story in order of time. They chose events and ordered them so that the reader would get the message that this person Jesus was indeed the long waited for Messiah. If we have any concerns about what Mark’s intentions are in writing the Gospel, we need only to go the very first sentence;...