What do you hear when you read the Bible?
When you read the Bible, what do you hear? Do you hear the words of an angry and jealous God in what we call the Old Testament? Do you hear a God biding his time until a day of Wrath and Judgement? Does God seem different to you, in our so-called New Testament? If that’s the case, could it be that we have been led to believe in an interpretation that in fact sells itself short and leaves us confused and possible disenchanted? There are lots of questions here, because I strongly believe we are in a time when we should be asking ourselves questions, as a church, as a family, as a community, as a country. The Gospel means “Good news”. In the early days and years of the church, the message was clearly interpreted as Good News by the poor and scary to those in power. When we preach the Gospel today, is that still the same? Why doesn’t it seem to have the same power as back then? Why would most people equate the Gospel with “B...