The Magi
Based on Matthew 2:1-12, a meditation on the Magi in the form of a poem. Legend has it that there were 3 Magi, we traditionally think of them as Kings and Cologne Cathedral has a reliquary that purports to contain bones of them. We even have given them 3 names, Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar but biblically we know very little. They are only mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel and all we know is that were Magi, we are not given their names or how many there were. We see them as Gentile Kings paying Homage to Jesus and gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh have been given meanings that may not have been an initial intent. We have also forgotten how the visit itself seems to have led directly to a massacre. We are the misrepresented Our message warped In nativities; We are Kings, celebrities, spacemen, Robots, figures of fun We gave notice of revolution Of an ancient prophecy coming to term Of the birth of new beginnings The birth ...