
Showing posts from May, 2016

Psalm 42 for the 21st Century

I am dying of thirst for God Not any old God but the real one The living one Where has he gone, where can I find him? I am enveloped with sadness and tears People mock me daily, where has your God gone? Your church is dying.. I remember when the churches used to be full When people could talk about God naturally Come on my soul, don’t be downcast Can’t you trust in God, the Living God We shall praise him despite everything Despite all the doubters When your people have forgotten you Do you think creation will forget you From the trees to the oceans From the stars to the rocks Put your hope in God For he is trustworthy and I will sing again Praises to my saviour and my God

Chrysalis Bible Study notes Luke Chapter 8 for weeks 6.5 and 13.5 2016

Refs:        NIV Bible L Morris (Tyndale Commentaries) Luke M Wilcock (The Bible Speaks Today) Luke T Wright Luke for everyone B. M. Metzger (Ed) The Oxford Companion to the Bible In the last couple of chapters we have seen Jesus teaching in the Synagogue, gathering his band of close followers around him, healing the sick and performing other miracles. We have also seen how His doing so, on the Sabbath in particular, along with the challenges He brings to their understanding of religion and the strict observances and practices they seek to enforce in pursuance of it has raised the hackles of the Pharisees and the Priests. It is quite likely that their combined opposition, allied to His growing reputation, has led to Jesus changing tactics so at the beginning of Chapter 8 we are told that He is again on a tour through the towns and villages. It is interesting that Luke is at pains to emphasise the role of the women who have chosen to leave t...

Musings on the road, Glad to be preaching again.

Good morning everyone, I understand that today is National Sorry Day.   So before I start I would like to say Sorry for missing my scheduled date in November.   I was unfortunately indisposed being unwell.   On a more serious note though, when I look around at the world today, it seems obvious to me that there is still a long way to go in the healing work of creation.   So it seems fitting to really say sorry to God as we haven’t done that well over the last two thousand years. It’s not that the church has been an abject failure, not at all, but like his disciples who were with him, we still often miss the point and because of that the ongoing work of building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is taking longer. We are like the Israelites in the desert, taking 40 years to make a journey that should have taken 11 days.   It must have seemed like an eternity.   In our second reading today, Jesus is speaking to his group on the night before his death,...