My last post spoke about why we worship and briefly about the reasons why I was unable to deliver the sermon as I had planned to. In truth , I have hit a block where I have had to accept that I am exhausted, and as a consequence my long term tendency to suffer with anxiety has reared it's head. I suspect that I am also mildly clinically depressed as I find it difficult to read for long periods of time, my concentration spans have shortened, and I have lost interest in things generally. Despite being successful in my job, I somehow feel that if I were to retire tomorrow, what the heck? My GP has been very helpful, and I have been a dutiful patient and made contact with the counselling service. The huge irony in all this is that run a counselling and listening service at my local church, I completed some training in counselling to assist me in my active listening, and yet my commitment to listening has in part led to me becoming plain "wore out" to use the vern...