Can we truly be saved by Faith in God
Today is the second Sunday in Lent and we are preparing ourselves for the approaching passion of Jesus. We are then pilgrims along a journey to our own meeting with Jesus at the cross. The two readings chosen for today speak directly into the importance, the anchor of faith on our relationship with God. Nearly everyone, Christian or not, is aware of Jesus’ apparent anguished cry “ My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” A smaller number may know that it comes from Psalm 22. A smaller number still will know that Psalm 22 ends with a confirmation of faith and praise. It is possible, just possible, that some here may not have realized that when Jesus said “ I am thirsty” in John 19:28, he may have had in mind v 14 of Psalm 22 “ My life is poured out like water and all my ones are out of joint” v 15 “ My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth”. He could have just been really thirsty from the blood loss of course. Either way we a...