It has been a while since I last blogged. I have now progressed in the journey to being placed "on note" as a local preacher. On reflection this has not seemed to change me very much at the moment. I am still full of questions and sometimes doubts, though these days I voice those doubts from within the very presence of God himself/herself?? Does that sound odd. The thought that I might apply a feminine typology to God or that I can voice doubts from within God's very presence. Of course God is not a him or a her, not in the way we understand gender. But I have come to believe that the deliniation of a "He" in isolation to that which is God is limiting our viewpoint. I have to concede here that the pagans have a point. I am certain there is a feminine dimention to the Trinity. Perhaps to be found within the Holy Spirit?? Of course, I maintain that the pagans are wrong is rejecting Jesus, who is fully human and fully God....