
Showing posts from August, 2011


Sunday 28 August I met with the church council who have voted in support of my application to enter training as a local preacher.  The course lasts for some 17 units so will be a lot of work and should last approx 3-4 years.  The meeting finished with our minister, the local superintendent of the circuit informing me that he next needs to inform me when the next local preacher meeting is scheduled.  I will need to attend their for interview when a decision will be made for me to be put "on note" which comprises the first 3 units.  I hope to keep this blog open and when I am provided with a mentor I will open it up for review by them and my tutor. Work continues with the application of acupressure continuing to be very exciting.  Since my decision to undertake this path, I have noticed that my stress levels have eased for which I am forever grateful.  I seem more aware that although life can throw challenges, I am convinced that God will be by my side th...

wwjd 19/08/2011

  Yesterday, I came to be at the epicentre of yet another altercation with the booking team at my workplace.  These disputes fwith members off the booking team are commonly associated with demeaning and aggressive behaviour on their part.  I found time today to spend time in the hospital chapel.  I felt called to the chapel.  When I arrived there I found plalms 95-96 were open on display in the bible.  The psalms spoke of the requirement to worship a God who is above all things and speak of the absolute Glory and Power of God against whom no one can stand.  This knowledge that this God is the Lord who fills me with the Holy Spirit and lives in me in the form of Jesus enables me to face conflict with a new courage and peace; one set in a foundation of a sure and certain awareness of God being at my side. "Not by might but by my Spirit"(Zech. 4:6) is laid on my soul.  It is not our fight but the Lord's.  It seems to me that the import...


Yesterday I met with my church minister who is also the Superintendent of the circuit.  It marks the beginning of a journey I hope to undertake in becoming a local preacher. Why should I do this?  Why now?  I am a 48 year old Physiotherapist - a Clinical Specialist leading in the fields of acupuncture and non medical prescribing.  A considerable part of my caseload includes patients with chronic pain.  People with chronic pain not only have physical pain but also ffinevitably have to face up to emotional challenges, loss of earnings, loss of self esteem etc.  some of the problems run very deep and may be seen as spiritual in nature.  I have a talent with acupressure and have seen many patients helped by the art of gentle touch.  The combination of this with active listening can provide a powerful healing scenario.  I teach acupuncture to my colleagues and have received positive comments surrounding my present...