Sin and Forgiveness
What do we mean by SIN? (invite suggestions) What do we mean by forgiveness? In my childhood, I was raised in the Catholic Church and as such confession was a regular occurrence. Most of the time I didn’t really know what to say, so offered a measly collection of lying, winding up a sibling etc. On reflection, I feel a bit sorry for the priest, who must have sat there listening to a litany of material that perhaps didn’t really mean anything. And those were the days before Ipods, and the like so he really had nowhere to escape to. When I was preparing to write this message, I started to wonder why I didn’t really know what to confess to. Was it a lack of imagination? Unikely, as I never had problems with imagining myself in all sorts of situations and crises, always of course as the hero. Was it because I didn’t sin? Definitely NO. I am the same as anyone else. No, on reflection, whatever one’s views on ...