Sunday School Fun
I think it is really important for local preachers for develop a good rapport with the youngsters who attend our Churches and as such I have volunteered to speak with the senior group in the Sunday School. Today I went back at their request which was a real benefit and meant I must have said something of value the last time I paid a visit!! I was asked to talk about the "Armour of God" today so we started the session - which was quite time limited due to a number of issues - by reading Ephesians 6 and Luke 22 where Jesus talks uncharacteristically about grabbing swords if they have any. We opened a discussion as to what people think of when they hear the phrase " The armour of God", and the youngsters had some interesting ideas. The underlying idea of course is that Paul was being metaphorical when talking about military clothing, and that Christianity is not about power or military might. In fact perhaps Paul was using that Metaphor because he was liv...